How I Came About The Word 'Exhibit', CEO Exhibit Dance Crew.

Source : Inimeya Isaiah

The CEO of the most talented and decorated dance crew in Yentown  Exhibit share story of how he manage to came up with the name that has taken the crew to highest point in the state.

The CEO of Inimex Entertainment, Inimeya Isaiah share his short story below on Facebook.

According to Inimeya Isaiah, __I can still remember how we started back then in 2010... Wen the banter of choosing a name was the issue at a point because  we've answered several names and none of them were ok... So 1 day I took a dictionary to search for a name, at dat time most of the vibrant crews I knew der names  usually starts from ex or have a x alphabet in it eg. X-fella, Explicit, Exodus, etc... So I started to search from Ex, and der I saw this word EXHIBIT meaning: putting up a public display... And I didn't read further immediately I wrote it down and wen I got to rehearsal dat day I told my guys dis is d name I've searched and dey all liked it... And woalla we started answering the name.

Thanks for reading my short story on how we got the name EXHIBIT.
this name have played a major role in my life and it will continue.__
